Thursday 26 March 2009


Faith is the substance(the creative substance -LOVe) of things hoped for; Evidence of things not seen.
St. Paul

The unseen realm of LOVe is faith. The Language of Love is faith. The thought of Infinite LOVe is faith. Faith originate from LOVe. It's Love's principle, that is, is Way of doing things. The vast universe of our is framed, assembled and put together by Faith. The force of faith is the main element of the human spirit that has enables us to constantly evolve, reinvent, innovate and thrive against all odd. Faith motivated by LOVe has given us our civilization.

"Faith works by LOVe"
St. Paul

Faith is the very nature of the human spirit and It's the very nature of the Universe. Faith is the language of the gods. It's thinking faith-thoughts and speaking faith-words that leads the human spirit from a sense of defeat to victory. Everything that you see in this universe from the toothbrush which you use to brush teeth to the computer on your lap is created by faith . Faith is the element.

"Faith is to the human spirit what carbon is to steel"
Kola Adetu

Faith gives strength, courage and endurance to the human spirit. Faith is the child of LOVe. Faith is born out of communion and intimacy with the Divine/the Higher-Self in meditation. Faith is that state of mind, that when created connect the human spirit to the unlimited creative power and infinite intelligence of the Divine that reside within us. Faith is born out of a sense of a higher purpose, a sense of the unlimited power and infinite intelligence of the human spirit and ultimately out of a sense of the Infinite Unconditional LOVe and purpose of the Creator.
In other for us human to understand, survive and thrive through the sufferings, diseases and challenges that constantly plague us throughout our history and in our daily life, we search and seek for purpose and meaning in life. The search for meaning and purpose in life has been the human cry throughout history. This search for meaning is linked to our fascination with the Divine, worship of God and in our attempt to understand Nature and our world. As a result, spiritual texts and documents about the nature of the Universe/God/the Divine/Source was received by inspiration by those who made themselves available to the Divine in communion through the art of meditation. The essence of these spiritual texts and documents and of every religion is LOVe. The Infinite Unconditional LOVe of the Creator. A strong faith, a deep sense of purpose, fulfillment, happiness and great achievement is born out of this divine-human relationship. Understanding the Infinite unconditional Love and purpose of the Creator gives birth to Love, hope and faith in one self and love and faith in others. Strong self-belief is born out of communion and intimacy with the Divine in Meditation. Private self-study of these spiritual texts whether is the Tao, Bible, or Bhagavad Gita and meditation must become a ritual and practice in our everyday life. This is the key to deep sense of fulfillment in life and a foundation of life of Love and abundance...........

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