Wednesday 18 March 2009


Meditation is simply working with eNERGY, LOVe/the Divine. The point is, we all meditate whether you aware of it or not. YOU CANNOT NOT MEDITATE. We do it all the time and the powerful result shows up in our feeling, behaviour and body language. We practice meditation when we're feeling angry, worrying, anxious, stressed and depressed. Those are Meditating states.

Meditation, when intentionally practiced result in the Mastery of Focus. I said earlier on that, YOU CANNOT NOT MEDITATE. It's just the way we are design to function as human being. Every movement, feeling, action or inaction is a result of meditation which is also your focus. Deciding to meditate is deciding to direct your Focus with intention.

Making a decision is the Only beginning of things. When someone makes a decision he's really diving into a strong current that will carry him to places he had never dreamt of when he first made the decision
Anthony Robbins

Meditation is working with energy. Your spirit, Mind and Body have different levels of energy. Your physical body is energy reduced to its lowest form. Inside every cell of your body is a creative energy and intelligence that create every part of your body organ and causes it to function, heal and constantly renew itself. And the source of that creative energy and intelligence is YOU. Depending on your mental focus, Body language and language you can affect the the workings of the creative energy and intelligence of every cell in your body to effect healing or diseases. It's a known fact in Biology and Medicine today that behind every disease is a eMOTIONAL TOXIC. Emotions are stored in every cells of your body and causes it to malfunction. Every cells in your body are designed to heal but when their intelligence is corrupted they malfunction and create disease in our body.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind."
Rudyard Kipling

In meditation, we reclaim our personal power, that is, the ability to direct our focus and emotions in a way that will empower us take control of our emotional, physical and financial destiny. In meditation, we come to realise that we are co-creating with the Divine, creating our mind, feelings, physical body and our destiny. In meditation, we intentionally channel/focus our creative force towards want we want to feel and create in our physical reality. Before meditating, we ask: What emotions do I want to feel on consistent daily basis? Remember, the consistent emotions you experience on consistent basis is your life. Whatever you feel at any moment in time is a result of how you use the following 3 things: Mental Focus, Physiology and Language. These are three main tools you need when you meditate and good thing about it is that you already have them within yourself. How are you currently using your Physiology: your facial expression, breathing pattern, posture and voice tonality? What are currently focusing on right now:

Focus equal reality to the the individual even though, is not reality in actuality
Anthony Robbins

What meaning are you attaching to the events that are currently happening in your life right now? Are they empowering you to better your life or disempowering you? what question are you asking yourself when thing happen in your life? How language or vocabulary are using to describe your yourself? How do you talk to yourself? Your answer to the questions determines whether you feel empowered to create the result you desire in your life and vice versa.

When you decide you want to feel good, confident, in charge and in control of how you feel what you are actually doing is taking control of your life and ultimate destiny. Imagine for awhile that, you've all the faith, confidence , eNERGY and LOVe you need what would you make happen in your life right now? You know the sky is the limit. Your belief system determines everything in your life who you become, the kind of person you marry, your level of income, the state of your physical fitness and everything in your life. And that what meditation gives you.
Meditation begins with being aware of your breath or consciously controlling your breathe-PHYSIOLOGY. Fact is your breathing pattern affect how you feel. When your breathing pattern is shallow and inconsistent you don't feel powerful and strong. So what you going to do is engage in any form of physical body that'll alter you breathing pattern and cause you to breath in a such away that'll make you feel strong and healthy. You do can yoga or run. The most important thing is to aerobic - exercise with oxygen. Aerobic exercise refers to exercise that involves or improves oxygen consumption by the body. You move and breathe through your nose and out of your mouth. You breathe in 3times, hold 6times and out 9times as you move. You run/yoga for minimum 30mins depending on your schedule and ideal time to this in early in the morning. When you finish running you can come back home and have shower and then wear a very soft clothe that feels light on your body. Lie on your bed or yoga mat and continue your breathing exercise for 10mins and then add Incantation or positive affirmation.........which will be our next subject

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